Well, the shoe finally dropped on the real problem. Turns out that the quick connect gadget between the main valve and the regulator has a shut off mechanism in it that is meant to stop the flow of gas if the hose from the quick disconnect to a crawfish pot, bbq pit, whatever, is cut. That fitting was faulty!!! Its redundant anyway because the main valve has one of these built into it also. I suspected this and went looking for a replacement at my local Steve's Ace Hardware. One of those hardware stores that carries most things you will ever need. The guy there knew exactly what i was talking about and told me that most of the time when someone comes in with my problem, that valve is bad. He was spot on. Replaced it with one without the shutoff built in and the gas works fine. The one i replaced is called an excess flow fitting and is shown at this location. Looks the same but without the internal thing. Not sure how the following link works - you may have to copy it into your address bar.
Thanks for all of your suggestions!!