Forum Discussion

two-niner's avatar
Apr 18, 2014

Marina Del Rey Hospital and our 42' Tour

Just found out ten minutes ago DW is scheduled for surgery next Friday. She must stay in area for two weeks.
Dockweiler web site states 37' max. Any other locations beside Ventura trailer travel park north of Magic Mountain ?

Thanks, Kerry

Hospital has very small parking area.
  • If you haven't done so I would call Dockweiller. Last time I was there a tag axle was parked in the upper area. They are pull in sites and the front on the DP was over the grass with wheels just at the edge. With the wheels back on the DP you have room for the overhang not found in the gas chassis. It is so close it would be ideal. If you just need to be in the area I would not give up on Malibu. Once off Hwy 1 it is a short shot from Malibu to Marina del Rey via Venice. Good luck.
  • If you haven't done so I would call Dockweiller. Last time I was there a tag axle was parked in the upper area. They are pull in sites and the front on the DP was over the grass with wheels just at the edge. With the wheels back on the DP you have room for the overhang not found in the gas chassis. It is so close it would be ideal. If you just need to be in the area I would not give up on Malibu. Once off Hwy 1 it is a short shot from Malibu to Marina del Rey via Venice. Good luck.
  • Try to get on top of the schedule for Friday. That way you will be leaving for the hosp. early enough to avoid traffic problems unless thees an accident or construction. Just check before traveling. Some hospitals allow RV parking in the far reaches of their lots but I doubt if MDR is one of those. Check with the security department. I have always kept our 38 footer at the hospital we use while DW and DGD have had surgeries. Riverside and Fontana though.
  • two-niner wrote:
    Just found out ten minutes ago DW is scheduled for surgery next Friday. She must stay in area for two weeks.
    Dockweiler web site states 37' max. Any other locations beside Ventura trailer travel park north of Magic Mountain ?

    Thanks, Kerry

    Hospital has very small parking area.
    thats actually Valencia Travel Village you're referring to.

    I live and work within 10min of each, and I can tell you it's not a prime time commute you want to take, and neither is Long Beach.

    No suggestions yet, other than going across the street and see if there is somewhere in the marina that you could pay to hang out. The problem with the entire beach area is that it's turned into a Mecca for the just above homeless crowd living in old trailers and RV's that literally look like they were pulled out of the bushes and spray painted.

    If you want to do Valencia, just be aware that to keep the drive under an hour, you need to be on the road by 6:30AM, and north bound no later than 4, or wait till at least 7:30 in the evening. Long Beach is only slightly better.

    Welcome to LA
  • Make sure she can get up the stairs after surgery and that the toilet is not to low for her to get up/down from. She might need a toilet riser.
  • I think you should be 37 feet for dockeiller. It will handle 40. I think. Malibu RV park is nice and about the same distance as Long Beach.
  • Long Beach has a nice RV park. Golden Shores. Easy access to 710 then transition to century freeway for Marina Del Rey. It is a small but clean RV park. We lived in Torrance for 40 years. We stay there when we visit the area.