RLS7201 wrote:
The motor home manufacture puts a decal close to the drivers seat with recommended tire pressures on it. That should be all you need.
not really. you can't be sure what they base that pressure on...GVWR, something else?
best way to ensure that your tires are properly inflated is to load up the RV as you would for travel including full fresh water, LP and fuel tanks, food, supplies, pets, clothing, other stuff and people and then get it weighed. 4-corners is best but individual axle weights will do. this will be your worst case scenario. consult your tire mfg's inflation chart for correct inflation for the weight you're carrying. I usually add 5-psi just cuz.
as for your weight changing...of course it will. as you use fuel, fresh water and lp your weight will go down and as you add gray and black water your weight goes up but, at least the folks we hang with, the basic weight...the stuff, food, etc. changes very little.