May 07, 2016Explorer
Moving mirror
Well we finally got out to glamp this weekend. The first trip is always interesting to see if anything comes apart after its winter nap. About 30 minutes into our drive the drivers mirror starts moving slightly. Then it gets progressively worse. Finally at the point where it's turned almost parallel to the MH.
Find a exit with a Meijers so I had some room to look at it. I was afraid it was coming completely off and would hit another vehicle in the next lane. So got out the ladder and took off the face where the camera is. There are at least two set screws around the section of mirror where it attaches to the post. I assume there is a lip there that the screws sit under to keep it attached. One is easy to get at the other about 30 degrees behind the first and I could not get to. So I tightened the front one that was accessible. It snugged the mirror into place.
While driving I could see the mirror still had a slight wobble but didn't move. After reaching our destination I check and it was still tight. Just wondering if the two set screws work together the secure the side to side movement and one the up and down?
Anyone ever have this issue?
Find a exit with a Meijers so I had some room to look at it. I was afraid it was coming completely off and would hit another vehicle in the next lane. So got out the ladder and took off the face where the camera is. There are at least two set screws around the section of mirror where it attaches to the post. I assume there is a lip there that the screws sit under to keep it attached. One is easy to get at the other about 30 degrees behind the first and I could not get to. So I tightened the front one that was accessible. It snugged the mirror into place.
While driving I could see the mirror still had a slight wobble but didn't move. After reaching our destination I check and it was still tight. Just wondering if the two set screws work together the secure the side to side movement and one the up and down?
Anyone ever have this issue?