Sorry to hear about your fan problem.
We replaced our electric fan clutch in 2013. A lot of labor involved as I remember it ran about $1,700 all told. They had to remove everything behind the fan to get at it. SORRY!
Ours got to the point that it would overheat then the fan would kick in and run all day without a problem. Had it back to the shop two or three times before pinning down the cause. Checked and/or replaced the easy stuff first. (A stuck thermostat will act like that sometimes) One time I left the shop and it started to heat up, turned around and got within a block of the shop and the fan kicked in.(I know now) Left it at the shop over night. In the morning we hooked up the code reader and drove it (Up hills) till it started to heat up and were able to tell, even though the fan was turning it was not moving enough air to cool the engine.
If you start it up cool and walk back and you don't feel a blast of air, the fan clutch is not engaging. (I now know)
The shop I used was Kenworth Northwest a Cummins repair shop.
I use them for oil changes, fuel filters and Lub. They work on a lot of motor-homes and work with MH owners and truckers till it's fixed. (Not in the same world as the Winnebago dealer shop)
SORRY...I feel your pain. Good Luck