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Need an Education

We have been on the road now for 2 years and honestly we are nearing the end. There are a few mysteries to rv'ing we still have not figured out, and with the pandemic making everyones patience short, there are a few annoying things we do not understand, so thought we should ask the reasons why. SO, the most irritating thing in regards to the big rigs and some big truck and 5th wheel truck drivers, mostly the big rigs.The question is :Why do most of you feel the need to leave your vehicles running for long amounts of time before you pull out and long amounts of time when you pull into a campsite? If there is no logical reason for this, I'll think I'll give up on mankind all together. Any logical reasons?

luvmydogs wrote:
Wow the big rigs certainly have more to know than 5th wheels or travel trailers. Thanks for the info. I keep looking at all them and are amazed how many there are. Other than the gorgeous paint jobs, the one word that always comes to mind in capital letters is BIG. To me they are just big. Which when in it would be wonderful but I am a panic pulling a small trailer, I think I'd be a mess on the road with one of those. I'm jealous of you all who can drive them so easily.

Depending on if you are driving a DP or a gasser (rear axle placement has an effect on handling), you get used to things like tail swing, turning radius, and having a "sense" of where your rear end is when backing up or in tight quarters. Cameras help a lot, and new rigs have lots of them. Older ones are lucky to have a rear camera. The folks driving the big ones do a lot of route planning. When you are that big you don't drive anywhere without a plan. And you gain a certain amount of realistic expectation in terms of the amount of ground you can cover in a day and where you can actually camp vs. where you would ideally like to camp.

Wow the big rigs certainly have more to know than 5th wheels or travel trailers. Thanks for the info. I keep looking at all them and are amazed how many there are. Other than the gorgeous paint jobs, the one word that always comes to mind in capital letters is BIG. To me they are just big. Which when in it would be wonderful but I am a panic pulling a small trailer, I think I'd be a mess on the road with one of those. I'm jealous of you all who can drive them so easily.

I would like to share some thoughts. First older diesels rattle severely and of course also quite loud. They also spew black exhaust and smell badly. Newer diesels that haven't been tuned or DEF delete don't smoke ,smell and all three if stock are extremely quiet.
My new 2020 Duramax has a larger rad, larger fan and new improved oil cooler.
The manual states if you have been working hard to let the engine idle at least 10 Minutes. If you shut it down to early it will automatically start itself back up. As previously mentioned to hot of oil will take the bearings out of the turbo and the vanes rub the case and the debris goes through the engine. that results in $20,000 for an engine.
On behalf of the big diesel pushers the air pressure gauge only shows what is in the primary and secondary tanks. It is not fully charged that fast as it still has to fill brake chambers etc . Spring brakes start to come on at 60 psi .but they don't release at 60 psi. Many States have no manditory air brake endorsement so you have to bear with the procedure they go with.

Explorer III
Explorer III
luvmydogs wrote:
snip/ Thank all of you who DID explain why you leave your rigs running. We had no idea jacks and slides needed the motors on, and learned alot more about the big rigs we also didnt know, so thank all of you FRIENDLY rv'ers who didnt tell me why I posted here at all. I got more of an education than I needed.Thank you

Perhaps, if you brewed a quick cup of coffee and visited the neighbor who left his rig running and was seated, you'd get more of an education of the foibles of diesel coaches. You might also meet a new 'friend'. Afterall, aren't we all proud of our rigs? I have no issue making new acquaintances at whatever campground we are at. Perhaps he was having an issue with his coach and could have used your assistance. Meeting people and being friendly is what rving is all about. Get out and start enjoying life and all it has to offer....Dennis
We can do more than we think we can, but most do less than we think we do
Dennis and Debi Fourteen Years Full Timing
Monaco Executive M-45PBQ Quad Slide
525HP Cummins ISM 6 Spd Allison
2014 Chevrolet Equinox LTZ W/ ReadyBrute

Why get worked up over this small stuff? There are more important things in

luvmydogs wrote:
Nope, no drama, just dont like someone telling me what I think and feel,and that my questions have underlying meanings, thats all. I'm sorry your life is so empty you feel the need to attack someone on this forum. No big deal, that's your problem not mine. You have a great day!
I wish this forum had a like button. there is a few posters who want a high post count. Hope you have a good day.

Nope, no drama, just dont like someone telling me what I think and feel,and that my questions have underlying meanings, thats all. I'm sorry your life is so empty you feel the need to attack someone on this forum. No big deal, that's your problem not mine. You have a great day!

luvmydogs wrote:
Well way2roll, I had thought this was a friendly forum, I was wrong. You are exactly the type of person we try to avoid anywhere we go, now I guess I will avoid this forum also.I'm amazed everyday of what this country has come to, and you've just proven it to me yet again. Thank all of you who DID explain why you leave your rigs running. We had no idea jacks and slides needed the motors on, and learned alot more about the big rigs we also didnt know, so thank all of you FRIENDLY rv'ers who didnt tell me why I posted here at all. I got more of an education than I needed.Thank you

2023 FR Sunseeker 2400B MBS

Well way2roll, I had thought this was a friendly forum, I was wrong. You are exactly the type of person we try to avoid anywhere we go, now I guess I will avoid this forum also.I'm amazed everyday of what this country has come to, and you've just proven it to me yet again. Thank all of you who DID explain why you leave your rigs running. We had no idea jacks and slides needed the motors on, and learned alot more about the big rigs we also didnt know, so thank all of you FRIENDLY rv'ers who didnt tell me why I posted here at all. I got more of an education than I needed.Thank you

Our Class A is older than most, and may be older than many reading this. I keep the air system tight enough that, if I secure it at shut down, it will still pressure at restart. It does not have jacks or slides and so I can't even relate to those issues.

There some things here that do matter.

As an owner and driver of diesels for over 50 years, I can assure you that idling them won't cause them to "warm up".

As an engine professional for many years, I can tell you straight up that nothing good happens in an idling engine. Fact is, that used to be a durability concern. That has dropped by the wayside as the first Arab Oil embargo convinced many to drop the habit.

Lastly, a lot of what is the complaint here is not just here. It is a dramatic drop in both consideration of others and acceptance of personal responsibility. I am not going to go into examples because said are just too numerous to even start that here and now. It is even a lot of the reason that we try to avoid commercial destination campgrounds.

Matt & Mary Colie
A sailor, his bride and their black dogs (one dear dog is waiting for us at the bridge) going to see some dry places that have Geocaches in a coach made the year we married.

luvmydogs wrote:
I will say I took offense to your post Bill. I am an adult and you dont know me from Adam, so please dont tell me why I asked the question I asked. I never claimed to like the ritual, just didnt know if there was a logical reason why they did this since I've not had a class A in many years. So maybe next time, read a post and try not to analyze and put your own spin on it. None of the other posters seemed to have a problem with answering the question.

Sorry, I agree with Bill. Many people have tried to explain the procedure of some rigs but it didn't matter. You came on here to vent and call people idling their rigs "stupid". Camping is one of the most peaceful things you can do. If stuff like this is upsetting your emotional apple cart, you are right. It's probably time to hang it up.
2023 FR Sunseeker 2400B MBS

Explorer II
Explorer II
What I post is my 2 cents and nothing more. Please don't read anything into my post that's not there. If you disagree, that's OK.
Can't we all just get along?

I will say I took offense to your post Bill. I am an adult and you dont know me from Adam, so please dont tell me why I asked the question I asked. I never claimed to like the ritual, just didnt know if there was a logical reason why they did this since I've not had a class A in many years. So maybe next time, read a post and try not to analyze and put your own spin on it. None of the other posters seemed to have a problem with answering the question.

Explorer II
Explorer II
SO, the most irritating thing in regards to the big rigs and some big truck and 5th wheel truck drivers, mostly the big rigs.The question is why do most of you feel the need to leave your vehicles running for long amounts of time before you pull out and long amounts of time when you pull into a campsite? If there is no logical reason for this, I'll think I'll give up on mankind all together.

I really don't feel like you came for an education but rather to vent. It's OK to vent but it would be better to just fess up and say, with these now shortened tempers, these folks are driving you nuts. If it wasn't this it would be something else. You have stated that it's time for you to get off the road and you have mentioned you are fed up with many things due to Covid. We all agree that day to day routines are gone and we are all struggling to find a tiny slice of normal, but that's not happened recently and it's not going to even begin to return until sometime in 2022. We all just need to find a way to transition through 2021 without killing our neighbor for mowing their lawn while we are trying to take a nap, get our vaccines and watch the Country slowly return to normal.
Good luck to you whether you stay or whether you go.
What I post is my 2 cents and nothing more. Please don't read anything into my post that's not there. If you disagree, that's OK.
Can't we all just get along?