kemer wrote:
I have a 2014 Winnebago and am looking to replace tires. CUrrently the tires are Michelin 235 80 R22.5 Having problems finding the same tire, and would consider another brand. Any suggestions welcomed.
Doesn't have to be the identical tire just the same size. Last ones we bought were Michalein 285x55x22.5 "Steer Axle Tires" on all positions. They have a center groove for tracking and a decoupling? grove around both edges. Not cheap but tires, I don't remember on the rear but front or steer ties took i/4 ounce on one wheel and no weight at all, none, on the other wheel. Coach rode a whole lot better with more flexible sidewalls. Most for semis are rock hard on much much lighter Motor Home.
Goodyear G670s have longer lives but stiffer and o decoupling groove, if you have had a problem with Rivering.