Indytech wrote:
The facts, I don't know to much about Monaco's, But much to my amazement he did this with less horsepower than my rig. His coach was only 250HP. It was almost exactly the same size and weight as my rig.
HP does not matter much when pulling heavy loads.
His engine may have had 250 HP compared to your 300, but I bet the Dynasty Engine is at least an ISC with 800-1000 lb ft of torque. A Cummins 300 HP ISB such as in your rig is in the 600 lb ft range.
The Dynasty probably has at least an Allison 3000 Transmission that is rated for the torque the engine puts out and is rated for towing heavy loads. Your motorhome is no doubt equipped with the Allison 2500 or 2000 that would blow up in short order if connected to an engine with higher torque, or if you attempted to tow 10,000 lbs.
A Dynasty has a chassis that is rated to carry 30,000 to 40,000lbs and to tow 10,000 lbs + more. Your Freightliner chassis is not rated to haul and tow this weight. Things like brakes, bolts, welds, chassis construction are different from the Dynasty to your motorhome.
This is not to say your motorhome is somehow "bad", it is just built for a different purpose, and towing a 10,000-15,000 lb trailer is not its purpose. The Dynasty is built for that purpose.
If you could replace your transmission, hire an engineer to beef up your chassis, change out your brakes, airbags, rear axle, etc, you could most likely make your MH capable of towing the same weight as the Dynasty.
Heck, a new F-350 with a 6.7 litre Diesel has 400 HP. I only have 425 hauling 44,000 lbs and a Jeep. Should I trade my engine in on a powerstroke?
No, because The Powerstroke has 700-800 lb ft of torque, and a transmission rated for that torque range. My Engine has 1,250 lb ft of torque and an Allison 3000 that is rated for the torque output.