Having owned 8 RV's ranging from 38' to 24', from Class A's to small C's I think I know the trade very well. I spend over 1.5 years researching all Super C's out there and I concluded Renegade was the best and I purchased a new Verona 36 VSB. I only have 1900 miles on the coach but I have had zero issues with either the coach or the chassis. Renegade does a super job with quality and the PDI is superb. I looked at all of the major players including Dynamax, (both the Force and the DX-3) and I just did not see anywhere near the quality of construction that I saw/see in the Renegade product. The finish under a coach is what is most important, how is everything finished off, how are all of the wires tied up, what is the fit and finish of the hatch doors, what are the storage bins made of, you will see a huge difference, I just do not like Forrest River products. If you are looking at a pre F-R Dynamax product you are talking about a totally different product for sure. Renegade's are not cheap but I do think they will last much loneger compared to oether products out there. best of luck. RAG