Oh, tips, I forgot.
The Wranger JK began in 2007, I had a 2008, 2014 and now a 2016. Admiral drives a Grand Cherokee. You may experience hood bounce when passing heavy trucks, don't be shocked, it won't go beyond the safety catch. There are several aftermarket fixes for this, I place a black zip tie around the rubber latches, that fixed the issue. The greater share of them have water leaks, most people don't realize this because it lives in the carpet so they don't see it. There are several entry points, the most common are the door gaskets, from there the water runs down the inside of the gasket, under the plastic kick panel and into the bottom of the carpets. I gave up on the dealers replacing the gaskets and fixed my 2016 the same way I fixed the others, with some duct seal behind the gasket at a particular point of leakage.