Nov 19, 2013Explorer
Newbie looking at 1992 four Winds 28 C class
Hey all, Going to be looking at a 1992 27 foot Four winds C class that has a Ford V 8 with 76,186 miles. Looks very clean and recently tuned and generator with 380 hours on it. Owner bought from a Rv dealer in 2009. States it runs great and great shape with no leaks. Since I am newbie to C class motorhomes and only owned three truck campers would appreciate any advice and tips when I inspect it tomorrow. I am well versed in spotting leaks and water damage old and new but welcome any input. You can view ad and pictures in Dallas craigslist in rv owners section. then type in Four winds with title "MUST SEE"
having difficulty with copy and paste with my laptop. Best regards.
having difficulty with copy and paste with my laptop. Best regards.