Newbie discovers electricity:
Now that I have your attention, I will attempt to relieve the gnawing anxiety you have no doubt felt since reading of the untimely death of our forward A/C. Turns out that your Intrepid Captain (IC) was correct. The weak link in the chain we call our forward A/C was the start capacitor! Also something which perches atop said capacitor, called simply enough a motor starter, had joined in a mutual suicide pact with the capacitor and had died an apparently fiery death. (It was so melted that its own mother wouldn't have recognized it!)
Armed with the certain knowledge of which parts were required, IC began a web search for them. Tip: Naples, FL is NOT the epicenter of electrical parts for do-it-yourself air conditioning repair persons. Incredible as it may seem, I finally found a supplier who had me meet him behind a Shell station on CORKSCREW ROAD, in Estero, Fl. Money was furtively exchanged for TWO sets of these components, and we quickly went our separate ways. After a short period of watching my rear view mirrors, I was able to ascertain that the exchange on Corkscrew Rd. was NOT part of an elaborate FBI sting aimed at stopping the black market trade in start capacitors.
Dawdling, your IC took the scenic, very long path home.
Upon returning to the coach, your IC was met by three hot Westies and their overheated Westie Mom. Naught was said, but I gathered that my nomination for hubby of the year would be delayed indefinitely. Sensing the gathering storm clouds of spousal dissatisfaction, your IC began immediately the surgery required to reinvigorate our errant A/C. Voila, done. Let there be cooling breezes upon my family! Peace and harmony restored, etc. etc. HOTY nomination still in doubt, but as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow is another day".
An interesting thing happened late this afternoon. A very nice fellow, looking incredibly like former NASCAR champion Darryl Waltrip, rode his bike past our homestead and hollered to me " Are you Captain Stan?" Answering in the affirmative I invited Darryl (his name is really Jim, but to protect his anonymity, we shall call him Darryl) to sit and chat a spell. He explained that although he is an infrequent visitor to the RV boards, he stumbled upon my travel notes, dare I say blog? Realizing that he was in the very same Pelican Lake RV Resort as your Intrepid Captain, Jim, er, Darryl set out to meet the legend in person. As we spoke, Darryl told of his and his bride's decision to buy a coach and "hit the road" with their two pre-teen heirs. They home school them while showing them the wonders of our great nation. These are really lucky young ones!!! The family is from Denver, but has led the nomadic life for the past several years. I was sorry to hear that my new friend would leave these parts for another adventure at the end of the month...
This evening we ventured into old Naples seeking a proper bar. Luckily, we stumbled into Tommy Bahamas Bar and promptly met Missy, her attractive girl friend Robin and Tom a charming local banker who was hitting on both of them. Conversation was upbeat and fun, but too soon it became time to wish our new buddies "Bon Chance", and head back to the coach. Before we left them they each gave us a few pointers about new watering holes to check out. Rest comfortably in the knowledge that all recommended dispensaries of spirits will be thoroughly investigated, and dutifully reported.
Until later,
Captain Stan