Through the years, we have done many different things. We are currently running an antique 23' class A. It can tow just fine, but we just haven't bothered. With a small coach, you can get most places just fine. If you want to do more, rent something. We do carry bicycles and they are good for much of what we need.
Think about where you are going. Setting up a towed is always north of 1K$us. You can rent a lot for that. If you don't have a something behind, you can get by without a TPM to watch. We didn't have our towed in Yellowstone, so we paid for a lot of extra fuel, but the view from the cab was worth every penny.
The only place we have been that we rented a car was Branson. That place just had no parking room and getting to and from the campground was an amazing pain.