Sprig wrote:
FIRE UP wrote:
...Many, many technicians will tell you that an "appearance" of a fuse is not a forgone conclusion that a fuse in intact...
Well, it is not PHYSICALLY possible to "put test leads" to EITHER side of the fuse with the new fuses on autos.
Seems a whole lot easier to just put an eyeball to it.
Well Mr Sprig,
I'm not sure of what type of fuses you've had to deal with but, ALL of the fuses I've dealt with have the capability of being tested with a meter or, a test light, while in their sockets. The AGC, ATC and "Mini" ATC ones all can be tested. Yep, sure it's a whole lot easier to "eyeball" them if and when, they're out of the socket to see if there's any defect or damage. But, it's important to see if continuity of power is there while they're in place. In the picture you'll see the contact points that you can put a meter on, on both sizes of the present day fuses.
Now, I don't deal with this stuff every day but, maybe the 2013 and later has fuses that are not "testable" while in place, I have no idea. But, the older ones, yep, they're testable while in place.