Forum Discussion

paswigi's avatar
Jul 08, 2014


I had a blown fuse on my 2004 Itasca Sundancer, I had the problem with no marker lights & tail lights. I separated the rear pigtail then the marker lights would stay on, but once I reconnect pigtail with tail lights, it blows a fuse. I have it narrowed down to the tail lights I think. The tail lights are Peterson 426 sealed lights. They do work with brakes and blinkers but no tail lights. Any ideas where to go next??
  • On my MH the 4" lights are spiced into wire harness. Yours should be similar. Look at this point to see if one of the connections are shorted.
  • It could be a bad lamp assembly.
    Disconnect one and see if the other works, then try the other.
  • I took the number off the lens. They work with brakes, signals and flashers.,

    Yes they are
  • I took the number off the lens. They work with brakes, signals and flashers.,