If you search some of the older posts there has been a fair amount of talk about how to adjust some of the fan clutches. There is a bi metal coil spring in front that you can see with a mirror and a flash light. Some have slots to adjust the spring for more or less tension. I wanted mine to act like yours and come on early and mine was potted in silicone so I gave up on the mod. A spring that is covered with dirt and oil acts as an insulator and will cause the fan to come on later, seeing that it works off air temps not the eng temps. I never hear mine unless I am out west on long hills and then it comes on just before the red, but I have an ODB1 connector and I know my gauge is off. As someone else said you can put a switch on the electric fan up front. I turn mine on when I see a hill coming, AC on, a 90 + degree day or whenever I see temps 210 or above.