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Mrsmoos's avatar
May 26, 2016

Northern California- cheapest place to buy new refrigerator?

The refrigerator in our "new" MH is gasping its last breath we think. We expected this as we have heard ofter "its not if, its when" it will die. So we will need a new 8cf frige. Anyone know of the best place to buy and not spend a fortune? My hubs is a genius at fixing things and he already replaced one in our old trailer. We got that at a RV "outlet" that used to be here in town. Man i wish they were still in business! But now it looks like we will have to find a new one. Any ideas?
  • Mrsmoos wrote:
    The refrigerator in our "new" MH is gasping its last breath we think. We expected this as we have heard ofter "its not if, its when" it will die. So we will need a new 8cf frige. Anyone know of the best place to buy and not spend a fortune? My hubs is a genius at fixing things and he already replaced one in our old trailer. We got that at a RV "outlet" that used to be here in town. Man i wish they were still in business! But now it looks like we will have to find a new one. Any ideas?

    We got ours at Lowes. 10 Cu.Ft. by LG. residential apartment size. Love it. Cost about $5 per mo in electric.You can find it in other places also.

    Our install here.
  • Safari RV parts in Shasta Lake City just north of Redding is a place I would definitely check. They have a website. Bought a few things from them when in the area. Seem very competitively priced.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Not sure of what Northern California means as some folks consider any thing North of the Tehachapis as North Cal.

    But in California from Sac to Bakerspatch there is a lot of independent dealers and Camping World some of those might price match if you do not want to ship to you.
    PPL in Texas also has some fair prices but not sure about shipping costs.

    I had a dealer in Utah use a price match from Amazon for a Dometic portable freezer / refrigerator. I walked in asked about price and he looked it up on Amazon.

  • You can get a heavy duty rebuilt coil set (you keep your old box and just replace the coil assembly) for under $500, including shipping. One handyman can install it in under 2 hours.

    We could give you more specific info if you gave us more info. What's the brand and model of the refer? How old is it? What are the symptoms? Did you just turn it on? It can take up to 24 hours for the refer portion to start to cool much.
  • If he is handy buy an Amish cooling unit. It is the Guts of the unit
  • you can buy rebuild frig kits OR send it to these guys in indiana can,t find there # but they rebuild your unit ,at less than half the cost of a new one.
  • I also found this AC / DC refrigerator. one review says he has it on a sailboat, and it draws about 70 watts, running about 5 hours per day. That would only require about 150 watts of solar panels to supply the 350 - 400 watts per day required to run this refrigerator. Nice that it is only $650.

    DC Refrigerator

    You can get a 140 watt solar panel from this place for about $230.

    One drawback to switching to a home refrigerator is the door can swing open while driving. I am guessing that some sort of child safety latch can prevent that. . .

    Good luck!

  • I checked and found Dometic 8 cubic foot for $1500 - free shipping.

    I don't know if that is a deal or not. I have not looked at Camping World prices lately.

    They can get various sizes. Don't know what brand you are looking for. What year is your "New" MH? I am guessing it is recently new to you?

    Good luck finding one at a decent price. Many have changed to all electric refrigerators because they are so much less expensive, even with a 500 watt solar system and 1,000 watt pure sine wave inverter. Samsung seems to be the brand that holds up well with inverter use, and draws less power from the batteries.
