Effy wrote:
I doubt there are Thor employees on this site. Maybe I am wrong but it's run by GS who owns CW so...
Sadly, there may be posts from employees of firms that are taking a beating on a thread. It's becoming more common, as companies become more tech. and social media savvy. Oddly enough, it's nothing new here either. Way back when I first was active here, the corporate office of a large campground chain was really handling unhappy customers in a bizarre way. They had a few REALLY bad properties out there, and a small number of franchisees who were awful to customers. The customer complained on here, and directly to corporate. The odd part is that corporate would then forward letters and/or emails directly to their franchisee, who would then attack the customer, with nasty calls and letters. It was at total dumpster fire in corporate PR. As things heated up, one new member knew WAY too much about behind the scenes info. at corporate, as the vigorously defended the indefensible. I called them out as a shill, and another ex-employee confirmed it, naming names.
Another example here is a current member who, in the past, would search any thread where a member had issues with anything related to the Camping World empire, then attack the OP, no matter how rational and reasonable the issue was. Your new rig has been is the shop for five months and the dealer has been a total jerk about everything? This guy would attack the poster for whining. A possible CW employee? Who knows. But really bizarre behavior from somebody who really had little sense of right and wrong, and a real agenda to push.