Forum Discussion

Garino's avatar
Jul 03, 2014

O2 sensor exhaust recall 2013 Chevy 4500

Has anyone had this recall completed yet on the o2 sensors? If so Chevy dealer or RV dealer?
My close local Chevy dealer is a brand new place but don't see any thing bigger than a 3500 dual wheel truck sold there.
My RV dealer is local also but haven't used them for any service, oil changed and small fixes I've done myself.
  • Since this is a GM recall you have to have it done at a Chevy dealer. However not all Chevy dealers will do recall/warranty service on cut-away chassis. Check with your local dealer and if they don't do it, ask them who will in your area--or call Chevy for help. My dealer said they would not normally do it, but since I am a regular customer for MH and other vehicles, they would. Not sure why some don't, but check first. I have it scheduled for next week.
  • I have a 3500 and have had the recall repair at a Chevy dealer. They called it to my attention when I was there for routine maintenance and had to order the parts. Later I received the notice by mail.I would always use the chassis service provider for that kind of work rather than an RV dealer.