oldave wrote:
I see you have an old Todd transfer switch ( ATS ) I urge you to not use it, they are dangerous, a fire hazard. Todd was originally Iota. Iota was a fire
hazard and was recalled, went bankrupt, and reappeared as Todd still the same old switch. Todd is now out of business. I took my Iota out and replaced it with an Esco. Take a look at this thread.
Ditto! Get that TODD out of there immediately.
I had a TODD ATS in a coach. I had it in the drive a few nights before a trip and happened to go outside to get something from, or put something into the coach. I smelled an odd odor and began to investigate. When I got to the electrical bay, smoke poured out when I opened the baggage door. It was my TODD switch in the middle of a meltdown. One of the relays had shorted. Whether or not it would have caught fire, who knows but it freaked me out. Thank goodness I happened to go outside that night, or I might have woke up to a 45' long inferno later on.