Very interested in ultrasonic since there are inexpensive small units available. How's this done on a small carburetor? Is it simply a "Soaking" over a period of time with the cleaner running?
Gotta say, for our small engines, I get 89 octane ethanol free ValvTechT gas at the marina. It contains a stabilizer as well but sometimes I add StaBil. No further issues with small engine carbs. My Honda pressure washer engine was awful about gumming the carb up, and no more.
For our ONAN 4KY, I now add stabilizer to Every Gallon of gas (cheap 87 octane E10) that goes into our 55 gallon main tank. Between that and exercise, the ONAN is sure fire reliable. And, I think our highway gas mileage is a little better. That stabilizer must be keeping the gas or the system a little cleaner.