Good ideas above- it'll never handle like a car or pickup on rough roads. The late model F53's are pretty good compared to the earlier ones like the one I had.
Get it 4 corner weighed. Lazy Days can do it, but I doubt you want to drive all the way back to Tampa. Once weighed, consult the the tire manufactures tire chart to see what the recommended pressure is. Unless you are at weight capacity, the pressure will probably be less than what is on the placard that is in the coach. I don't know what shocks were used in your year chassis, but on our prior F53, the factory shocks were terrible. I replaced them with Monroe's and the ride improved significantly. Others have gone to Koni's
After awhile, you will get more accustomed to the harsh ride that is pretty much normal on our less than great road system. Good luck and have fun with your new "toy"