fourthclassC wrote:
Want to comment on PNichols entry. I also have a similarly constructed 03 Winnebago with the aluminum frame. Best construction by far of the 3 classC units I have had in the past and rebuilt many areas. The only weakness is the window seal which is not as bad as some. But the aluminum outside corner molding is woefully too small. I looked into getting some wider but not easy with the needed rounded bending. So I remove all and caulked the joints with proflex, then applied eternabond over the corners (required cutting the tape in half) then reinstalled the molding. No issues after several years. In the rear corners, made my own wider molding by cutting down PVC square fence post. Now the molding is 1.5" on each "leg". Also same caluk/eternabond treatment.
I like the PVC fence post idea, I would think that would be a cheap design solution for the front cap corners for the OEM to install.