Forum Discussion

Johnny_G1's avatar
Sep 18, 2014

Pace Arrow

Is there a simple and easy way to winterize a 95 Pace Arrow Vision Mh, don't want to put the antifreeze in the main water tank???
  • Thanks to everybody for your help, installed 3 bypass valves, 1 in the main tank and 2 at the water heater, sure made it easy to winterize, now a good flush of the water heater as that was Pace's way of putting bypass valve in that was no good. A good flush of all lines in the spring and should be good to go. The owner is happy but decided to leave antifreeze in the lines for the winter????
  • ours was a 99, I just disconnected the suction side of the pump, and made up a hose I could attach and put the other end into a gallon of antifreeze, then just sucked it thru the system.
  • A newer rig with no HW bypass and no suction hose?
    Easy to install put 2 way valve in where hose comes from tank it will shut the tank feed off and allow pump suction, put hose in anti freeze and turn pump on open each faucet till its pink, shut valve and your done. I would also put a HW bypass on if you can get to it no need to fill tank with 6 gallons of the pink stuff.
  • That was one thing Fleetwood did right on MHs. The low point drain actually did that. I drained the water, added some antifreeze to the drain traps and left it without blowing out. It worked for me in Michigan winter. I now use the air compressor to get all water out.
  • My 1994 PaceArrow didn't have a water heater by pass valve. I use to drain all tanks and hot water heater. Remove inlet side of water pump and attach hose. I had a 6gal water heater I would purchase two cases of antifreeze. Fill a 5gal bucket with the antifreeze and stick the water pump hose in bucket and keep filling as needed. Open up the farthest hot water fixture and start pumping when antifreeze comes out stop and go on to the next and then do the cold. When finished I would drain the water heater back into the gal jugs for next year. Every year after the first you only need a few gal.
  • This is a friend's newer rig, Pace says to put about 5 gallons of antifreeze in the main tank and pump it through all the lines, that got to be a pretty dumb way to winterize, but it looks like the only way as there isn't much for bypass valves in the coach, just trying to winterize a better way without filling the main tank with antifreeze, lines have been blown out but still residul water left in lines and the toilet valve, Bc weather does and will freeze that bit of moisture and break that valve, there just got to be a better way. no problem's with my own coach, lots of valves and just draw the antifreeze through the pump and job is done, Thanks for listening, Johnny G1
  • Stugpanzer has the right answer! I have even used a bicycle pump,but usually use a tire inflator rather than drag the hose and compressor out to the Rig!

    Most Winters We head South to escape the Cold weather entirely!

    RV antifreeze is for P Traps only in Our rig and Stick House!
  • I made my own air connection for my previous coach (2004 Damon Intruder). I too will be winterizing my new (to me) 2006 Fleetwood Pace Arrow but there are two items I did not have on the Damon. They are an ice maker and a washer/dryer combo. I am a bit nervous about doing it right. I called Fleetwood and they sent me some great documentation. One item has an excerpt for blowing out the water lines using an air compressor. I plan on using antifreeze, but first I will blow out the lines as I always did with my previous coach.

    Here's that excerpt:

    Method 1: Compressed Air
    Purge the water system with compressed air instead of using antifreeze.

    1) Purchase a compressed air adapter from your RV dealer or service center. Attach the compressed air adapter onto the main fresh water inlet.

    NOTE: Regular air compressors and air hoses at service stations run at pressures often in excess of 100 PSI. Air pressure MUST be less than 20 PSI. Consult your compressor owner’s manual for details on how to adjust pressure.

    2) Turn on the compressor. Starting at the point furthest from the compressed air source, open each valve or faucet (both hot and cold) one at a time to purge water from the lines.

    3) When all water has been expelled from the system, shut off the compressor and close all faucets and valves after air pressure has bled off the entire system.
  • Go to your local Walmart or RV store and but a blow out Schrader valve.
    Use an air compressor to blow out your lines. Attach compressor to city water inlet. Apply about 40-50 pounds of air to system. Open each of the faucets one at a time. Don't forget to operate the toilet valve.
    Then remove drain plug or anode from water heater. Allow water to drain. Inspect anode if equipped and replace if needed. This is a good time to replace the nylon drain plug if equipped.
    Drain holding tanks.