I've have driven on what is probably the worst parts of Hwy. 1 - the sections in Northern California along the high oceanside clifs with little, or no, guardrails. I drove in a small sports car and had a passenger.
I found that driving these parts of Hwy 1 - even in a small vehicle - is not only about how skilled the driver is, or how relaxed the driver is, or how much fun the driver is having. It's all about how comfortable the passenger(s) are while on the road sections that have been cut from steep and long high hillsides with guardrails that appear, or are, marginal for a recreational vehicle. If passengers can be bothered by these conditions I'd recommend staying off parts of Hwy. 1 with a motorhome, TT, or 5'er ... as it could be a very non-fun experience for the passenger(s).
P.S. Just as a reminder, many modern recreational vehicles are 100-102 inches wide. Vehicles this wide can wind up bordering on being just plain discourteous to other vehicles behind you and coming towards you on roads such as certain sections of Hwy. 1 being talked about.