NatParkJunkie wrote:
I'm not passing any judgment. Just for their awareness, the following:
Personally, I think the NPS rules are outdated. Their rules were designed for when Jeep wants to film a commercial driving the loop road through Arches national park, or Hollywood wants to film a movie inside a national park, etc. But they decided to make an example out of that youtube couple from the link.
We follow the couple who got fined and we enjoy their videos. They were fined for doing commercial filming in a park without a permit.
They are very clearly a commercial operation deriving most of their income from their videos (or marketing tie ins to the videos) and they've grown the business to be a pretty sizable income with a large youtube presence (they make no allusions that they aren't doing it for profit). During their international travels, they had a history of skirting similar rules but since they rarely spent more than a week or so in a country and the videos would come out a week or two later, they typically got away with it. Being American citizens and stuck in the US for most of the year, they got caught skirting the rules and paid for it.
This is exactly like any other commercial operation using the national parks. It's common for smaller companies to skirt rules and often they get away with it for a long time. Larger operations (and by youtube standards they are a fairly big channel) more often rise to the attention of those in charge of the rules.
The permits really aren't that expensive and it ensures that film makers understand the rules and don't unduly disturb park guests. They even admitted in a follow up video that it wasn't the cost but they didn't want to deal with the paperwork and process.
If the OP's videos are just for fun with no profits, they are no different from you taking a video for personal use and no permit is needed (but do be courteous to other visitors)