I have a 1988 Holiday Rambler Aluma Lite, the step motor and gearbox are missing. I have photos of a motor and gearbox that
are similar to those off my motor home.
I would appreciate help in locating replacement parts.
Amazon and E-bay are good.. Vizone RV is a junk yard and will have 'em.
Now.. one thing you need to know.. Is the controller there? it is a black box it may be a Rectangular box (like a pack of cards) or it may look almost triangular. They will likely ask you about that.
If the controller is missing then look for a magnet on the latch side of the screen door. Look in the molding where the thing goes for a small magnetic switch And note the color. they will need that too.
WHY? There are two controllers. one when the door is open the switch is open The other when the door is closed the switch is closed.
The shape of the controller and the color of the switch. Indicates which you have and no. I'm not 100% sure which is which so I won't say .