If you replace the penguin with a current penguin the penguin comnes with the 12 button control board and as you realize you have to purchase a 12 to 5 button control board kit and install it on the penguin. IF you want to go the Brisk air route, you will have purchase a 5 button upper control board kit that this kit, the board comes in a metal galvanized box and you make your various connections on the pigtails of this box. It will have the Phone type plugs on the side of the box. You MUST specify that you want a 12 button to 5 button Brisk air conversion kit and want the kit that has the galvanized housing that the control board mounts in. This is only if you are buying a Brisk Air HP. If you purchase a standard Brisk Air AC, you just purchase the standard 5 button control kit in the galvanizes box. Doug