Forum Discussion

JackMS's avatar
Aug 31, 2015

Penguin A/C compressor locked up

Last winter while exercising my a/c's in heat pump mode, the front one would kill the generator when the compressor came on. Fan ran fine. Due to some issues I haven't been able to get to work on it until now. I turned a/c on while on generator and watched EMS. when it tried to start the compressor, it showed 53 amps for a second and then went back to around 5 amps. Fan was still running but compressor was not. So I figure the compressor is locked up, so I just want to replace the whole unit.

Have been reading a lot on here about this. The bad unit is a 2007 and the bedroom unit is a 2005 and it works fine. I have 1 5-button thermostat controlling both and the furnace. If I put a new penguin in the front and get the 12 to 5 button convertor, will my rear unit still work right?

The other idea is to put in a brisk air. I added a third unit a while back and it is a brisk air. Height is not an issue as my satellite dish is the tallest item on roof. But would a brisk air work with the penguin in the rear or would this require anything extra? Just considering this route because the brisk airs seem a good bit cheaper and mine seems to move more air than the penguins.

Gonna call to order something soon but would like to be a little more knowledgeable when I do. Thanks in advance
  • Well I got my new penguin heat pump, installed it and all is working good. Thanks to all for the help. I tested the compressor motor with an ohm meter and I believe it checked out good.

    After thinking about all this, I think the stop leak I put In a few years ago may have finally come back to haunt me. I had one leak and fixed it then I got another leak that I just couldn't find. So I tried the stop leak. It cured the leak. I don't think the compressor ran out of oil because I never saw any sign of oil, even around the leak I found and fixed. Oh well. Back in service until the next issue.
  • have a ac service tech look at it. there are many things that it can be. I'm a ac service tech but trying to explain ac in this forum is very hard to do.
  • If the start capacitor is known good and the compressor still fails to start, I think you are in the market for a new A/C. Just went through this drill a week ago with the rear unit, now have a new A/C.
  • Thx Doug. A quick question for anyone. I removed the cover and found that this is the unit i put the hard start kit in years ago and the capacitor looks bad. All white and chalky. So I found the original capacitor and put it back in. It was working when I removed it. Tried to start. It shot up to 53 amps again and kicked back off.

    Does the capacitor need to charge for a while?
  • If you replace the penguin with a current penguin the penguin comnes with the 12 button control board and as you realize you have to purchase a 12 to 5 button control board kit and install it on the penguin. IF you want to go the Brisk air route, you will have purchase a 5 button upper control board kit that this kit, the board comes in a metal galvanized box and you make your various connections on the pigtails of this box. It will have the Phone type plugs on the side of the box. You MUST specify that you want a 12 button to 5 button Brisk air conversion kit and want the kit that has the galvanized housing that the control board mounts in. This is only if you are buying a Brisk Air HP. If you purchase a standard Brisk Air AC, you just purchase the standard 5 button control kit in the galvanizes box. Doug
  • Just read another thread on here with a similar issue. I was thinking I put a hard start on a while ago, but after thinking more it could be a long time ago and capacitor may be bad. will try to check this out tonight. Thanks
  • You sure it is not the start capacitor?...yours is the year that they all self destructed...the compressor comes on and then shuts off...easy find, easy fix part, just remember to discharge your the present one or you will see Christmas lights early...