I'm the original poster. I saw this happen this morning and thought it unsafe. I shared this, only for safety reasons. It's amazing how some people become so defensive. I never said you couldn't do this, but just "please don't do it" If you feel it's safe, I guarantee the "tow hookup police" won't cite you. I hook up by myself every time. I have some visual markers I use and seldom have to get back into the car to adjust it. As far as comparing to walking in front of a parked car or eating in a restaurant and having a car drive thru the wall .....those cars typically have to be put into reverse to back out of the space.....so for an accident to happen there, they have to be put into "Drive" and accelerated. Hooking up a tow vehicle, the car is already moving forward towards you and just a slip of the pedal can end in disaster.
It is up to you if you want to put yourself in this situation.....is it safe or unsafe.....you decide. I just hope, that maybe someone that hadn't thought about it, will now reevaluate this practice. It will be up to the individual if they want to change the process or not. I wasn't trying to change the world, just to make it a little safer.........gee........some of you need to take a chill pill :) and do what you want. Can't wait to see what kind of hole I dug myself into with this one LOL Happy RVing