Forum Discussion

Richard_999's avatar
Jul 12, 2013

Poli Glow / Zep update

Recently I wondered if there was a difference between using Poli Glow vs. ZEP Floor Wax on my 1999 38 ft Newmar.

I decided to do BOTH !

I put about 15 coats of ZEP on .... then after talking to Poli Glow about it, did another 5 coats of Poli on top for additional UV resistance.

The Poli Glow went on well , brightened the existing ZEP a LOT , and it looks great .
  • Wow, that's a lot of coats! Interesting idea, though. Please keep us updated.
  • Each coat took about 10-20 minutes or so.
    38 ft, all 4 sides.

    Sometimes I did a complete coat, then started at the beginning again, repeatedly. Other times I just did one coat and came back later.
    You only wipe it on, ONE DIRECTION .. you do not rub in a circular motion. I used a sponge, and remember. A THIMBLE full, on a 4 " sponge will do an area ( of one way swipes ) about 2 ft x 2 ft.

    The slowest part of this is climbing up and down the ladder to reach the top.
  • Seems like a sponge mop would work to avoid having to use a ladder.
  • A few years ago I started to put on Poli Glo. Did one side things came up and never got to the other side. I left the Poli Glo in my shed and I'm sure it froze over the winter and didn't know if it would be any good. I purchased the Red Max Pro from Lowes to do the other side. You can not see a differance between either side. I would not use RMP or PG on a unit that can still be shined with wax. Mine is 20 years old and has a chalky finish to it. With RMP it shines real nice. Also mine is a cream color so not sure about any yellowing.
  • Red Max Pro says it's for indoor hard wood floors. How long does it last on a RV that's stored outside? Also can you put it on your rubber roofs?
  • JimMartin wrote:
    Red Max Pro says it's for indoor hard wood floors. How long does it last on a RV that's stored outside? Also can you put it on your rubber roofs?
    Red Max Pro is a Acrylic based product. Acrylic is transparent to UV, meaning it does not absorb or reflect UV. That means UV can not hurt it. However, since it is transparent to UV, that means it does not shield the surface below from UV damage.

    One aspect of the OP's post does concern me. 15 coats is going to be less forgiving when it comes to flexing and stretching at a different expansion rate than fiberglass. Kind of like how when paint is very thick, it is much easier to flake off. Since flaking off is one of the potential failures of RMP, it seems like 15 coats would exaggerate that weakness. I would think one would be much better off to only use a few coats, so that it is more likely to move with the surface. One big advantage to using RMP, is that it is very hard, so it tends to resist dirt being embedded into it. This makes it much easier to clean. Only need to have a very few coats to achieve a easily cleanable surface. My coach only has 2 coats, and cleans easily.
  • A couple of years ago when this practice became popular, RMP was around$15/gallon and touted as a less expensive alternative to Poli glo. RMP's replacement, Zep, is around $25/gallon. I don't know the price of Poli glo, but wonder if, with the uv protection, that might not be a more reasonable choice now. Certainly must be closer in price.
  • brirene wrote:
    A couple of years ago when this practice became popular, RMP was around$15/gallon and touted as a less expensive alternative to Poli glo. RMP's replacement, Zep, is around $25/gallon. I don't know the price of Poli glo, but wonder if, with the uv protection, that might not be a more reasonable choice now. Certainly must be closer in price.

    Poli Glow is $48 a QUART plus shipping. Do the math...
  • My responses to all ... so far.
    Poli Glow is $50 per quart.
    I called Poli Glow before doing this, and they told me it would work just fine, on top of ZEP, which they said is the same chemical makeup, except for the UV inhibitors.
    I also talked to ZEP cust service. The lady said that they have LOTS of calls from people using it on motorhomes. Most all of them were happy. The only CAUTION is that normal WAX is petroleum based .. ZEP / Poli Glow is water based ... therefore... it is wise to put a harse wax stripper on the coach before applying the ZEP, and as a result, it will adhere much better !

    I will give an update in 7 years ( unless I sell it first ) .. and let everyone know. STAY TUNED !