Forum Discussion

dtgunner7's avatar
Mar 21, 2014

Power Gear Electric Jacks

I have been having to replace the brake on the electric jacks about every two years, I seal the top and wire outlet with RTV and tape and two bands. I know there have been many problems with the corrosion on the brake assembly. Looking for ideas to solve this problem...
  • If you really want something much better than RTV try 3M 5200
    It used for throu haul fitting in boats. Best thing out there for sealing.
  • I have not had much problem with mine since I cycle them at least every 30 days.:)
  • Yeah I know they leak too, as stated sealed top and wire nipple on NEW boots, STILL no luck!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Power Gear has a new sealing boot and a different wiring harness update. I got mine through Fleetwood's web site.:)