Forum Discussion

10forty2's avatar
May 23, 2017

Power Gear Slide Adjustment

Camping the the rain, we have found a leak along the slide wiper seal that is letting in water. On closer examination, I can see where the wiper seal at the front of the slide near the top is not making close enough contact to keep the rain out. In looking at the rear wiper seal, it seems to be slightly more crushed at the top than the bottom indicating that the slide is racked enough to mess up the seals. The coach is perfectly level, and the slide goes in and out creaking or popping...and it seems to engage the lip seals well enough to tell me it's all the way out.

Is there an adjustment to re-level/plumb the slide? Is it the roller height that needs adjusting?

  • Follow up. I spent some time yesterday looking closer at the slide. fcooper, you are exactly right! Thanks for the advice! On closer examination, the rollers were not even touching on the one inside the cabinet nor the farthest rear roller under the bin. I responded the below on another thread about Holiday Rambler slide adjustment. I was not able to find instructions anywhere in Power Gear's manuals on how to adjust the rollers. And from what I can tell, vertical adjustment of the slide MUST include adjusting the rollers. Hopefully anyone else searching will be able to find it easier this way.

    My slide was out of vertical alignment. We first noticed it because the wiper seal wasn't making contact with the side of the slide on the front and in a rain storm, we found the floor around the slide to be wet. After looking closer, I found that the front seal wasn't making contact at the top and the rear seal was excessively crushed at the top and normal looking at the bottom, indicating that the rear of the slide had dropped slightly. I had also noticed that if the coach wasn't perfectly level, the slide creaked and popped when it reached full deployment. I followed Power Gear's instructions for vertical adjustment and wasn't able to make much difference. They only reference the adjustment bolts on the rails that drive the mechanism. After reading fcooper's instructions on adjusting the rollers, I found that the rear rollers (inside the bins as well as inside the coach cabinet) were not even making contact with the floor of the slide for most of the deployment. After several adjustments, and running the slide in and out, (it takes patience!!), the slide now runs much smoother that it ever has since I've owned it, and the seals are engaging properly again. Power Gear doesn't tell you how to adjust the rollers in the vertical height adjustment section, but I now know that it's essential to getting the proper height and plumb adjustments on the slide. As said above, have patience and adjust in small increments!!
  • 10forty2 wrote:
    ....text deleted....

    fcooper: - I had looked at the kitchen rollers, but they seem to be pretty well fixed in place. The one beneath the kitchen cabinets rolls freely (not touching the underneath of the slide floor) when the slide is all the way out. Is it supposed to be free at that point? The primary rollers, that are accessed from the basement bins, seem to be functioning fine and the pinion gears appear to mesh with the racks perfectly.

    I think my coach had contact on those kitchen rollers with the slide retracted and with it extended. I no longer have the coach, so I can't go look at it to be sure about this.

  • Thanks for the replies! Finally back home and unpacked for a few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to dive into further analyzing the problem and adjusting the slide if necessary. Again, it looks like it has gotten skewed or dropped in the rear maybe .25" - 0.5" measured by the directions from Power Gear in the link above, so a slight vertical adjustment may well be in order. I did notice that above the front vertical adjustment bolts, there seemed to be scratches where the adjustment bolts "used" to touch....looks like the slide slipped slightly at some point and the direction of the drag marks would go with the direction of the sag according to the seal crush on both side and bottom wiper seals.

    fcooper: - I had looked at the kitchen rollers, but they seem to be pretty well fixed in place. The one beneath the kitchen cabinets rolls freely (not touching the underneath of the slide floor) when the slide is all the way out. Is it supposed to be free at that point? The primary rollers, that are accessed from the basement bins, seem to be functioning fine and the pinion gears appear to mesh with the racks perfectly.
  • I had a 2000 HOliday Rambler Endeavor DP, and adjusted the slide. Yours is probably similar. From the link above by MountainAir05, click the link titled instructions for slide-out room vertical adjustment....and follow those steps.

    In addition to the adjustments described by power gear for vertical adjustment, there were some rollers inside the kitchen cabinets (kitchen in slide) that can be adjusted. The power gear illustrations do not illustrate these rollers that are inside the kitchen cabinets and under the sofa. Some of those rollers are hard to find.

    It's not hard, but make small adjustments and check the results.

  • Here is one, you might find a more detail at powergear also. Google list a bunch of steps.