There are 3 parts to the PPL operation as I see it. One of them is the parts, one of them is the service and the other is the consignment rigs. I have dealt with the parts dept and been very happy with them. My son has gotten an estimate for major repair work with the service department and they were very professional. He did not have the work done there but they did their part well.
The consignment service is a whole different thing that I may not fully understand. I went there a week or so ago and made the post that I linked to up above. One of the TT that my son was interested in was listed as excellent condition yet when I looked at it it was literally falling apart from water damage. The pictures show my hand in rotted out areas.
I dont know how they come up with an excellent rating with a rig like that. Was it not really inspected and just put on the lot? Do they do a real inspection if you pay the $390.00 dollars that someone mentioned? I dont know how this could happen but with it the way it is people should be extremely cautious if considering something from there. I'm not saying it to hammer PPL, I'm saying it because many people listen to things like EXCELLENT and believe it. You can say buyer beware or say they should have looked closer or say they should have had someone go with them who knows RV's but people do walk in and buy this stuff after looking at the pics and reading the ad. People do believe sales people when they say things like it just needs to be aired out when it has massive moisture in the walls and floor and NOT easily show water damage.
I looked at several rigs from TT to MH to FW and was not only not impressed with any of them but wondered how many people got shafted on this stuff. I'm sure there are plenty of nice rigs that go through there but it's a matter of how you connect with the good ones. If you are local and have the ability to be there daily to see the new arrivals first you may do well. If you are flying in or driving far you may be disappointed. No matter where you are shopping the pictures will ALWAYS LOOK GOOD. Don't buy anything from anyone anywhere until you have seen it yourself.
I looked at about 5 different MH for a member on here with the top priced one being $50,000. I didn't even go inside as the bedroom slide had gouged through the plastic underside and saturated the wood. They other rear and side had delamination. One that was $20,000 was a turd that I wouldn't even be seen in. Another one for $15,000 that someone on here had linked to and looked ok in the pics was Breaking Bad material to me. It had wiring hanging out and gouged up walls, huge cracks in the tires, on and on. Yes, I know it's only $15,000 but the point I'm making is that the photos lie. They always lie. It's not PPL or the owners fault. You can not go by the photos. Not on PPL or Ebay or Craigslist.
To me PPL is a great place, I will be back for parts but the consignment is what it is. If you shop on line, buy from them, the parts dept is very responsive. If you are in the area go to the RV lot. There is a huge selection and it can be a learning experience or just entertainment or you may snatch up just what you were looking for.
I believe you will do best buy first shopping locally. Go and look at rigs when you are sick of looking at rigs. Look at rigs that you probably wouldn't even consider buying. The more inputs you have in any decision, the better the decision you will make. The more data the better. Yes, I know it sucks and you want your dream but some things take a lot of effort for them to come out well and not bite you in the rear.
Remember that just because you wouldn't lie DOES NOT MEAN OTHERS WONT.
I would believe what Ugh says because he said a key thing, he lives CLOSE to them.