Forum Discussion

Assyrian_Elvis's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 18, 2014

Problems starting 2800 Cummins-Onan gas generator

Hey guys since I bought my van Ive had problems with my generator. I will number the issues for you guys.

1. The geneator will not start from inside the coach, but it will turn off from inside the coach.

2. The previous owner told me that I would have to start the generator from the outside and pull the throttle while I push start, and that way it does start.

3. Im not sure if its a bad carb, the coach was sitting for 5 yrs and has only 50 hrs on generator, by looking at the model of the genset its supposed to be a 2002 model.

4. I was able to start the genset and run the rooftop ac and microwave for 2 days with no problems and even run them both at same time.

5. Since this small engine boat lawnmower guy tried to work on my genset starting problem he cleaned the carb and adjusted the governer or throttle, the thing that im pulling with my right hand, he adjusted it with a screwdriver tighting or loosening some screw near it, since then the genset will not stay on when i put the ac lo cool or hi cool option or micowave, if i put those on it shuts off right away. It does stay on for a few mins when i just turn on the fan option on the rooftop ac., maybe 5 or 10 mins.

6. So in a nutshell i need to know what i need to do to fix the starting problem and what i need to do to get it back to the right frequency voltage so it can run my rooftop ac microwave etc.

I have attached a video link to youtube and pics of the genset from photobucket,