Forum Discussion

Terry46's avatar
Jun 25, 2016

Propane detector issue

I have a CCI Controls Pre-Tell 2 propane detector on my 1995 Pace Arrow. On my last trip the propane detector activated while I was driving. After the detector had been screaming for about ten seconds the engine ignition quit causing a loss of power, brakes and steering. Fortunately I was only travelling at about 50kph when the engine quit so apart from being dead in the driving lane it wasn't a big safety hazard. After switching off the alarm the power came back and the engine restarted OK. At the campground I turned the detector back on and had gas for the weekend. I turned off the detector before heading home. Is the detector supposed to turn off engine ignition power as well as propane or was this some sort of coincidence?
  • If you like, there is a gentleman doing CCI repair. To the best of my knowledge, all repairs get a new sensor and voltage regulator plus what ever else is needed. Contact Larry at
    Having the ability to have the propane shut off when there is a leak, is a plus.
    My CCI 7719 continued to function properly for over 15 years. I now have a rebuilt CCI 7719 that functions as designed.

    95 Bounder
  • In addition to what Doug posted........

    Your CCI has expired. Detectors have a shelf life of 5-7 yrs depending on 'sensor'

    Your 1995 is WAY over due for replacement.

    CCI is no longer in business (2009)

    Replacement units do not tie into shut off solenoid so it should be removed.


    CCI Information/Cross Reference
  • Thanks Doug, guess I have to start checking out the electrical system.
  • Not even related. You had a major malfunction somewhere. The detector probably went off due to LOW voltage. Most Detectors of your year, had 2- 12 volt connections. 1 is to the coach 12 volt battery and the 2nd is to the Chassis 12 volt system. Odds are your chassis system lost voltage and that is why the detector went off and you lost ignition power. Either your Alternator or battery or the battery cable connections/ignition were faulty. It was a coincidence. NO RV maker would ever connect their systems to kill power to a chassis system. Doug