I carry a Campfire in a Can in the coach. I really don't care how "realistic" the fire looks, the important things are, it will cook a hotdog on a stick, it will nicely brown (or burn) a marshmallow, it is frequently legal to use when under fire restrictions, and it fits nicely in the corner of the basement compartment. It works for me...
We have the Campfire in a Can. It looks fairly 'real' and does put out a surprising amount of heat. It is certainly not like sitting around a real wood fire....a compromise but adequate.
We have the camp chef. I think it's the largest of them and produces a bigger realistic fire. It really throws heat. On high though you will burn through some lp. About a pound an hour. We love ours. Neither of us like smelling like smoke and I have found as I get older I wake up congested after sitting near a real fire. This is the perfect solution.