goufgators wrote:
This is a question for those of you who have downsized from a Class A to a Class B or C. Are you satisfied with the downsize or are you sorry that you made the change. If you regret the downsize, why? If you are satisfied with the downsize, why was it a good move? I'm asking these questions because my wife and I are considering down sizing to a Class C and would like to have some info from those of you who have traveled down that road. Thanks, Larry.
I guess I'm not qualified to answer here, but we could never even entertain those kind of thoughts and most sure we'd be really sorry if we ever did such a thing.
Even though, we're far from young, I keep thinking that when I can't handle this rig any longer, we're done. I mean If I'm incapable of maneuvering it around like I do now, then I probably should be on the road with anything.
As for going places and taking the house, we found that the tear down and setup, was actually the PITA and not so much with driving it to places.
Not to mention, we like the bus look and must say, that a C looks like an after thought to us. B not so bad in that dept. but again, most of what we saw in CG's found the occupants outside most of the time. Maybe that's a good thing too, for liking the great outdoors, but not so good in a two day rain.
Anyway, that's my take on it and hopefully you won't have to spend more for these would be inconveniences.