Forum Discussion
I for some reason just can not see three grown folks spending time in a B. You keep talking about the stress of things, to me that would be more stress than hooking up your trailer. You also did not say if you would be towing a car behind your class b. Lets look at the two scenarios here. No car , so everytime you need to travel to the store, sight see, road trip etc. you will have to unhook, and then rehook utilities of the B at site. You also would have to pick up all the chairs, any out side stuff while you are gone. You will have to make the inside secure for travel. For me that would be stress. With car either 4 down or dolly there is hook ups to do 4 down not so much. For me lots less stress than with out car. You are still going to have to drive around the walmart parking lot to find a space for the B.
I think you have to really look at what type of RVing you plan on doing. There are alot of folks with class B's that are really happy. I myself would not be one of those for many reasons but thats me.
A few years back we moved from 5th wheel to MH so I did not have the stress of setting up camp, very demanding from backing in to leveling. With the MH yes its easier but it to comes with its own set of stress builders.
Good luck in which either way you go