Forum Discussion

mepboat's avatar
Oct 30, 2013

rattling air conditioner

We have a 2010 Pleasureway Excel that has 28.000 miles on it and is in excellent condition. We just spent a week in it and used the A/C constantly. On our ride home we noticed a rattle coming from the back or our unit and it turns out the A/C was not running but was rattling on the bumps of the road. I suspect that the A/C running so long just loosened up the bolts and am planning on tightening them up. Has anyone else had this problem and how did you take care of it. Thanks in advance.
  • Our AC had a defect from the factory. The bolts holding the motor to the compressor were loose from the time we bought the new PW Excel 2006. It was always noisy and finally started chattering really bad. I had a shop look at it and they found the problem and fixed it.
  • The AC on our Pleasureway excel TS is very noisy with clunking
    sound. Normal?
  • It could be the shroud. They get brittle and then break. I see them along the interstate all the time. If you look real good between Ohio and Tenn., you may find mine as all I had left were four small pieces under the screws that hold it in place. just a thought.
  • The hold down bolts secure the whole A/C unit to the roof.
    Remove the complete ceiling grill. 4 corner bolts......they should just be 'snug' (40-50 INCH LBS----not foot lbs). The roof gasket should only be compressed to one-half of original thickness. Gaskets are roughly 1" thick so don't compress more than 1/2". Over compression can cause roof leaks AND can block evap coil drip pan drain holes....condensation from evap coil can then be pulled over into discharge plenum and leak into inside of rig.

    Compressor rattling..then you will need to go on roof and remove shroud and check what is loose inside the A/C unit.
  • I doesn't sound like the whole unit is rattling just maybe the compressor.
  • be careful, the seal might have flattened out and if you tighten it it may cause it to leak