I have installed numerous cameras on our rig and horse trailer combo as well as modified the OEM Ford setup on our 08 F 150 super crew. The existing wiring may need to have different adapters installed to match your new camera but the wiring to your existing monitor should be fine to use again. You can buy the camera from many sources, Amazon has a number of choices. They almost all come from China, no matter whose name is on them. The majority of them use RCA or BNC connectors for the video and they come with there own connectors to splice into the 12 volt power. If you are at all handy it is pretty easy and you can get good cameras for under $75.00. I have a 3 camera setup on our Class C/horse trailer setup. There is a monitor mounted on the visor with 2 video input channels. Channel 1 is tied to a camera on the back of the motor home that is used to back up to the horse trailer and hook up the hitch. There are 2 cameras on the horse trailer. 1 is mounted outside, high on the back and used for backing the whole rig into a parking spot. The second camera is inside at the back of the trailer and is used to look in on the horses whenever we choose. The two trailer camera video feeds run to a switch on the dash so the driver can select which camera is displayed on the monitor via channel 2. The wiring plugs together along side the standard trailer wiring harness at the hitch. I tried a variety of cameras from different manufacturers while putting all of this together and found very little difference between a $27.00 and a $100.00 camera. Security system cameras are a little more money but are another choice and give you more options.