Forum Discussion

gsf35099's avatar
Jul 21, 2018

Rear slide stuck out

Hey gange, my small slide on the rear drivers side is stuck out and I cannot seem to get anything to work to get it in.

Its the type that has cables & the motor & chain mechanism.
I can reach the end of the motor and it seems to spin freely, but it’s not turning the gears that has the chains on them, so no movement.
I just need to get this thing rolled in so I can get home and figured I could roll it in manually.

Anyone know how these type of slides can be brought in manually?

Appreciate any help.
  • Thanks dougrainer. That Accu-Slide is exactly what I have even though my manuals say both are Power Gear. Now I know I have both.

    I was doing what the manual says to move it manually but with a ratchet. No wonder I couldn’t see it move. Must have one heck of a gear ratio & I left my power tools home as we only went about 15 miles for one night.

    Thanks again. Your link was huge help.
  • As always, appreciate the feedback.

    I actually decided to move the coach as if we were heading home with it out and stopped at ~100 ft and it came in. ;). Made the drive home much better not having to use hazard lights.

    Mine are Power Gear & the manuals says there is a brake on the motor that can be disengaged to allow the slide to be pushed in. I looked and tried to find it on this little slide and it’s not there. Going to have to find it as I know these slides can be moved manually.
  • I've never seen one with chains and gears, but there should be a way to manually retract it. Mine can be done with a socket wrench. But depending on what broke, you may have to go find a bunch of volunteers and push it in from the outside. But if you can do that, then you need to make sure you can lock it in place somehow because that means it's just moving freely so could slide back out on a corner.
  • When our coach was new that happened to me in WY. But ours was on the passenger side.
    So I was able to drive very carefully and stay on back roads back to TX.
    when we stopped for lunch it just so happens I tried to bring it in and hit the retract button and it came in.
    When I took it into the shop the guy that worked on it put it out and it would not come back in. So he told me to hold the retract button down and he pushed it in all by him self. He had went to the HWH school.
    Ours was HWH hydraulic