Forum Discussion

Sparkie616's avatar
Mar 02, 2014

Recall Letter for Workhorse Chassis

I'm in the process of importing a '04 Fleetwood Fiesta into Canada. It's on a Workhorse chassis. According to RIV I need to obtain recall clearance letters for both the body (Fleetwood) and the chassis (Workhorse). I have contact info for Fleetwood, but I'm not sure who to contact about the chassis. I'm assuming WH was owned by GM at the time. Any suggestions???
  • You'll need to go to, create an account and register your new coach with Workhorse. Once that is complete go to this site for Canadian recall info in the right side of the page. It the required doc is not there, contact Workhorse directly via this number (877) 246-7731
  • rvten wrote:
    Workhorse was not owned by GM.
    It was a division that split off from GM, but that happened well before 2004.
  • Go here and register the motor home. Workhorse registration
    This will then tell you what recalls are applicable for your coach and when/if they have been taken care of.
    All you need is the VIN to register and a little bit of your personal info.