Forum Discussion

Mrsmoos's avatar
Jun 02, 2016

Replace old Jacknife sofa with Futon in Motorhome?

Has anyone replaced their MH sofa with a futon? Our exiasting sofa is a "jacknife but its from 1992 and although I am going to clean it, I would like to replace the existing sofa and chair with faux leather pieces since my husband has asthma and we have dogs and futons are cheaper than sofas. The sofa in there now has seat belts but they are under the sofa and it looks like they were not used. The sofa is mounted to the floor. I wonder if I got some sort of metal frame futon if it could be also mounted to the floor. Has anyone ever done this? If so could you share a pic or two?
  • It's all about the measurement. :) Seen it done many times.
  • I removed the existing furniture and made a wooden frame to take advantage of every inch of space. I also made the couches so that they would have storage underneath, electrical outlets, and cup holders. Once that was done I had a local upholstery shop do all of the coverings with removable cushion fabric so that they can be thrown in to the washer as often as needed. This gave us a lot of extra seating, as well as space for two people to stretch out to take a nap or watch TV for a total cost of less than $1000.
  • Just did that exact thing. Removed the jackknife sofa from the slide area, removed the dinette table/benches, and the recliner behind the passenger's seat. Put in new flooring...carpet squares from "Flor." Replaced the dinette with a Futon-like sofa that worked out perfectly! We got the new sofa at World Market...this one...

    We used "L" brackets and screwed the sofa to the floor. So far so good and everything rides and looks great. It was amazing how much more room we gained by removing those items that, honestly, we never used. And we shed quite a bit of weight by getting rid of them too!
  • TNGW1500SE wrote:
    Measure Measure Measure and then measure again!
    Then make sure it will go through the door!
    If it's not a rental, LOL, you can put any furniture in it you wish to.
    I took out the dinette and the jack and put in a couch. RV furniture sucks!

    I agree--specially 24 year old rv furniture! I am going to reupholster the dinette cushions in faux leather but that couch has got to go at some point. I am probably going to either try to make a slipcover for the "club chair" or see if I can find a replacement off eBay etc or I may get the gumption to try and reupholster it myself. But with the sofa issue, I was thinking most futons are "some assembly required" so I figured that assembly can take place INSIDE the MH ;)
  • Measure Measure Measure and then measure again!
    Then make sure it will go through the door!
    If it's not a rental, LOL, you can put any furniture in it you wish to.
    I took out the dinette and the jack and put in a couch. RV furniture sucks!