Forum Discussion

sullivd's avatar
Aug 20, 2018

Replacing B/W rear camera with color camera

Planning to replace B/W rear camera and monitor with color camera and monitor in my 2007 Southwind 32V. Has anyone done this and can advise how to remove old monitor from dash and will the cable from camera to monitor have to be replaced. All advice appreciated.

D. Sullivan
  • This is from a previous post.

    I just replaced with a wireless system. It still requires power at both the camera and monitor. Camera was a bit$h to get into old camera cavity on rear of coach. I have had all kinds of issues, with "Not loaded" error codes (no picture for this trip), to a series of still shots being displayed. I am also having issues with seeing the monitor pic in bright sunlight. If you have polarized sunglasses - you don't see the image.
    Other then that - no problem.
    I would get a 9in monitor and consider Black and white!
  • Contact and explain what you have and what you want. They have a lot of different cameras and also have the connectors needed to use your old cable between the camera and your monitor. You can also buy an inexpensive camera on eBay and still get connectors from RV
    I recommend against wireless, especially if you plan to drive at night.
  • Wireless systems are notoriously flaky. I would contact and they can walk you through what you need. I think you will be disappointed if the only reason to swap monitors is to get color. A B&W backup camera is just fine for the job it was designed to do. You might like to watch your wife's face turn red when you don't do what she says, but otherwise......
  • What is your budget and your general skills?

    Replacement can be done for less that $100 but there is a good chance you'll need to replace the cable, which isn't overly difficult abut can be a challange, and come up with a adapter to hold the display in place in the dash, which again isn't overly difficult.

    If you're risk tolerance and skills are not up for the challenge there are RV based turn key solutions that will fit and work but will cost a couple of hundred $$$.
  • Do not buy anything branded "Furrion". They work great for a year or two, and then.......The kicker is no parts are available when it fails, and they want you to buy a new complete package. Its overpriced cheap junk and they follow the screw the RV'r sales model.
  • I went with and sure glad I did. They are not cheap, but you get what you pay for in the long run.