Forum Discussion

mike_brez's avatar
Jan 25, 2019

Resealing window

Need to pop out a window and reseal. What is the best to reseal with putty tape,foam rubber?.
  • Butyl that is black rubber. Some places sell the grey putty tape and call it butyl. This stuff.

    Black Butyl

    As you can see in this, lots of stuff is called butyl tape. I had no good luck with the white/grey stuff.

    Amazon Search Butyl Tape

    Note self: Stop using word "stuff" so much.
  • What is the best size? I am thinking 1/8” Thick X 1” wide?
  • Is it leaking? My buddy and I worked on his leaking window and found that where the two ends of the extruded aluminum fram came together, they sealed it with some white goop. Unfortunately there was a tiny void in the goop, probably from a bubble, and that tiny pin-hole let water in from the glass side of the window.
    Very tricky leak!
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    Can you see where the water is coming in? Sometimes just tightening the inside screws in that area will stop the leak, the butyl tape stays flexible for a long time. Having said that I have removed and resealed mine several times using both the black and while tapes. Give me a call when you are ready to do the job I have a roll of black butyl tape that you can use.
  • probably putty tape

    i did some windows in our second MH, (this one is our 5th one)

    i used 3M marine polyurethane, it was a bit messy to work with
    but those windows never ever leaked again
    would probably destroy the window if someone tried to remove them
    that stuff is used to secure cleats on boat decks

    I recommend using the putty tape