pianotuna wrote:
You do not know what make, model, or size of the converter, so you can not state a run time for the recharge via generator.
Personally, I'd opt to add some solar panels with a decent controller.
dahkota wrote:
Because people typically drive for 4-6 hours and then park for about 72+ hours. The coach would need to be plugged in or the generator would need to be run fairly often. If the fridge uses 150A per day, the generator will need to be run at least 4 hours a day just to keep up, if parked in a dry camping situation.
No, I don't. But I can guess pretty well based on the responses here and in other threads. The common response seems to be two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon. Four hours total.
However, as most everyone knows, it takes much, much longer to get them fully charged - 100% - though 90% is achievable in 2-4 hours. Which is why having solar is better than just a generator, especially if dry camping for long periods of time.