dahkota wrote:
rjxj wrote:
Most puzzling is when they park in the generator area and run it absolutely every minute of generator hours when for $8.00 a day more they could have full hook ups. Can you really run a noisy gas generator that's built into a class A for 12 hours for less than $8.00 a day. :R it wasn't heating or ac weather either. I was guessing dry batteries, junk converter or maybe a hamster on a cpap machine thingy.
You would be surprised at the number of people I have met in the last year who do NOT know what an inverter is. They are usually (but not always) in a fifth wheel and are running the generator to watch tv. I have stories...
I know. I'm parked in a boondocks place with a great couple next door who have a extension cord run through a window in a class A to run the a 24 inch TV on their honda. I told him to use an adapter and just plug the shore cord into Genny. He said do you think that will work. On the other side of road is a couple in a 1984 fw that someone gave then. He said the toilet was full and the hose that was running to the dump Port at the RV park where he picked it up was so heavy he could hardly lift it. He said the pipe was solid poo. There is no battery in it so they run an old honda 3000 to have the lights or anything on. No propane. I bought a fitting so we could cobble a garden hose and suck the water out of an equally raggedy class C that is ready to scrap. They were happy just to see the water run so they could take a cold shower. It smells when you get near it as the last owner had a bunch of cats. Last place we bd at had a guy with a fw that he paid $500 for. Nothing in it worked. I stayed away from him and the guy we befriended next to him split early because he was bugging him. They had a ton of cops out to do a body recovery search the day before we left. I keep telling DW that I only take her to the nicest places. She just laughs.