GHOST1750 wrote:
haydoracin wrote:
In Europe they drive on the left side of the roads. In Illinois we drive on what's left of the roads.
I like that.
I too like that one but I'm changing it to CA, the bumper sticker I'll have next week will prove it. I'll send a few out to past Governors and politicians but mostly to Brown, he started it in CA.
I was just a school kid when Ike pushed the Interstate Highway System, it was a great idea but things have changed and the engineering of the 50's and 60's aren't cutting it today. We(in CA at least) try to get Federal funds for maintenance, by law and mandate, maintenance and emergency repair grant money like FEMA money cannot be used to make improvements, only to return roads and such to their original condition, no improvements can be made with that money and States cannot add their own monies to the Federal funds to cover the cost of the improvements.
Here is where Einstein's thought about Insanity comes into play. Rebuilding I-5 in CA using the same specs as were used to build the hwy and which have not proven adequate is insane as they are doing it over and over and expect different results each time. I expect this is going on throughout the country after reading your comments.
The comment about the CA legislature circumventing the purpose of bond money for other uses is rampant and the more liberal CA becomes, the more loop holes are inserted in the bills to allow stealing the money for other purposes.