Thank you all for the thoughts. With regard to the fridge, there is no juice going to the outlet. Glen checked the converter for broken wires, bad breaker and blown fuses. His idea is the recep is bad or there is a broken wire from the converter to the fridge. He was using a volt ohm meter. Billy was sure they would be able to find it. Every other outlet and everything electrical is working. I have one GFI outlet and I use it every day. I only have 5 inside outlets and they all work. I have 2 outside and they both work.
I don't know how to get the A/C plate on the ceiling off. There are only two visible screws and they look like pop rivets. I will do some checking on it. I'm not sure they will be able to look at that when I get the fridge fixed as I think they are working me in, but I will ask.
Thanks for your help. I know now what NOT to do!